Some people experience a ringing, whooshing or buzzing inside their ears, which can be intermittent or constant.  It's something that affects up to 20 percent of the population, and while it's not a condition on its own, it's a symptom of other underlying issues, such as hearing loss or ear injury.

It's not usually a sign of anything serious, but it can be frustrating to deal with if you begin to lose sleep or can't stay focused during activities you enjoy. While it cannot be "cured," there are a variety of different treatment options to provide the relief you need. The treatments can include treating the underlying cause and masking the noise in general.

Symptoms of tinnitus

When there is no external sound, and you still hear the noise, you're likely to be suffering from tinnitus. The symptoms include:

  • Humming
  • Buzzing
  • Hissing
  • Clicking
  • Roaring
  • Ringing

This noise isn't external, so you only hear it deep in the inner ear. The pitch may not be the same for everyone, with some hearing a low tone and others hearing a higher squealing sound. Some people hear it in one ear, while others listen to it in both. Two types of tinnitus are recognized:

  • Subjective tinnitus: This is the most common type of tinnitus, where only you can hear the sound. The leading causes can be from the outer, middle or inner ear and the auditory nerves that have any abnormalities can also cause the noise.
  • Objective tinnitus: This is the type of tinnitus that your audiologist will hear when they examine your ears. Sometimes, this type of tinnitus is due to a problem in the blood vessels or the middle ear bone.

The importance of hearing protection

Tinnitus is usually caused by overexposure to prolonged loud noise. So, wearing the correct hearing protection can prevent tinnitus from developing in the first place. Your hearing, like your sight or sense of smell, is very fragile. Aging is a common cause of hearing loss, gradually worsening the older you get. This happens as you find your eyesight changes – with time and age.

The thing is, it's not just that. If you experience hearing loss because you haven't protected your ears appropriately in an environment of loud noise, then you will suffer the effects. Hearing protection is vital for you to avoid hearing loss and tinnitus, and below, you'll find some of the most important benefits of hearing protection for your ears.

It's widely-available

Earplugs can be bought in bulk, and when you do buy them, they are usually one use only. You can buy them in the hundreds relatively inexpensively. However, the alternative option is to pay out for custom earplugs that fit your ears exactly. Doing this can ensure that they last longer and as they're custom made, they offer you the best possible protection from noise and outside influences.

Avoiding infection

Earplugs are a good solution, but custom earplugs are much less likely to give you an infection. Custom-made earplugs that you can get through your audiologist are designed with materials that don't harbor bacteria. This makes them a much safer option for your hearing health. Ear protection to avoid infection is a smart choice.

They're easy to wear

Earmuffs and earplugs are far more comfortable for your ear health than getting infections or hearing the buzzing from tinnitus at a constant low level. Custom earplugs are a better option because they are tailored to fit your ears exactly. You can guarantee that they will fit into the ear canal much better, and you'll notice how comfortable you'll feel, too.

Contact us now

Using ear protection is the best way to protect your ears from tinnitus. When you are recommended to wear ear protection, you should wear it because it's for your own good. You can defend your ears against hearing loss and prevent further tinnitus symptoms if you treat the problem.

Contacting the experts at Affordable Audiology & Hearing Service is going to change the game for you and help you to learn how you can improve your hearing. Tinnitus doesn't have to rule your life; you don't need to let it anymore! Call our friendly team on (920) 267-5220 today, and let us help you.