Hearing Aid Consultation

When it comes to treating hearing loss, a hearing aid is the most commonly used tool for regaining your ability to connect with the world around you. However, just like no two cases of hearing loss are alike, hearing aids themselves are not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. The type of hearing aid recommended for your hearing loss is likely very different from the type of hearing aid used to treat another hearing loss. At Affordable Audiology & Hearing Service, we get this! That’s why Dr. Drummond evaluates each hearing loss through a personalized testing process and will make a treatment recommendation based on your specific hearing loss.

Here’s a closer look at how our hearing aid consultation process works and what our team can do to guide you during the selection process:

Your Hearing Test Results

Upon completing your hearing evaluation, our audiologist will review your test results with you, explaining your specific hearing difficulties in terms you can understand. He will then show you a graphical representation of your hearing loss, explaining how your symptoms and hearing loss diagnosis tie together. These test results will help Dr. Drummond craft a personalized treatment plan that’s specific to your hearing loss type and the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

Our Hearing Aid Recommendation

If testing determines your hearing loss is permanent, our audiologist may recommend hearing aids as part of the treatment process. There are many kinds of hearing aids available, and we’ll work with you to find the best solution personalized to fit your daily listening requirements and selected to match your budget.

service hearing aid dispensingDr. Drummond will review with you:

  • Your lifestyle considerations
  • Your most challenging listening situations
  • Your budget
  • Any cosmetic or social concerns (discreet hearing aid options are available)

After reviewing this information and taking your preferences into consideration, our audiologist will recommend a hearing device that best aligns with your preferences. You will play an integral role in this appointment, as your preferences and listening requirements will be our top priority.

Ordering Your Hearing Aids

Prescription hearing aids are a highly personalized experience. The process for ordering yours can vary based on the model, type, and manufacturer you select. For example, if you choose custom hearing aids, Dr. Drummond will take an impression of your ear canal before ordering your custom-made devices.

Your hearing aids will be pre-programmed to your hearing test results – but this won’t be the final step. You’ll return for a hearing aid fitting appointment where your devices will be adjusted, fine-tuned, customized, and configured based on your feedback and real-time listening experience.

Adjusting to Life with Hearing Aids

After receiving your new hearing aids, it is not uncommon to notice certain sounds appear louder than you’re currently accustomed to hearing. Don’t be alarmed – this is typical for new users wearing hearing aids. It is important to consider that there are a lot of sounds you haven’t heard in years (or even decades), so enjoy all of the precious sounds life has to offer!

Remember, you’ve likely lost your hearing gradually, and now your brain must gradually relearn how to hear and understand both speech and environmental sounds. Truth be told, it takes time for your brain to relearn which sounds are important and which are not. Try your best to be patient during the adjustment period and remember hearing aids only get better with time, practice, and experience.

While you adjust to your new hearing aids, our office is always available to answer any questions you may have and will do everything in our power to ensure you have a positive and successful hearing aid experience. We always schedule follow-up visits during the adjustment period to answer questions and fine-tune your hearing devices based on your personal listening preferences. After your adjustment period is complete, we’re confident you’re going to love your new hearing aids and will likely wonder why you didn’t call us sooner!