Hearing aids are an effective treatment for hearing loss, but if you’ve had yours for a while now, it could be time for an upgrade. Hearing aids are constantly evolving and innovations in technology mean there are many newer, more advanced models on the market. There could be other factors that influence you to get a new hearing aid, such as health or lifestyle changes. 

With regular use, hearing aids inevitably succumb to wear and tear like any other intricate technologies. An audiologist can advise on whether your hearing aid needs repairing or replaced. If you need to buy a new one, they can recommend the best solution for your lifestyle, hearing loss, budget and aesthetic needs. Here’s when to consider getting a replacement hearing aid.

Your hearing aid is broken

If your hearing aid is broken beyond prepare, you will need a replacement. Your audiologist will be able to confirm this for you. Hearing aids can last a long time, but they need proper care, storage, and maintenance. It’s important to clean them as a build-up of earwax, dirt, or other debris could damage them. They could also break if they are exposed to too much water or heat. Other times, our clumsiness can get the better of us, and you drop your hearing aid on the floor. Check with an audiologist first and find out if any parts can be repaired before you buy a new one.

Your hearing has worsened

You might find after a while that you’re hearing aid doesn’t seem to be working as well for you as it did in the past. If the settings are the same, make an appointment with an audiologist. You should do this at least every 6 months, to ensure your hearing aid is functioning properly and to test your hearing. You might need an upgrade to a different type of hearing aid, or the one you’re using may be malfunctioning in some way. Your audiologist will perform a diagnosis to get to the root of the problem.

After health or lifestyle changes

Certain health or lifestyle changes might mean a different type of hearing aid is more convenient for you. For example, if you have developed arthritis, you might want to upgrade to a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid rather than something more fiddly like an in-the-canal (ITC) device. You could have also taken up a new hobby that requires a more advanced or different kind of hearing aid, such as outdoor sports. Nowadays, there are more advanced digital hearing aids that are even compatible with your smartphone and other devices. 

You’ve had your hearing aid for more than five years

Hearing aids, like many other complex devices, do have a shelf-life. This can vary on the type of hearing and the wearer, but the average is about three to five years, and for the batteries as well. If you’ve had your hearing aid for a few years now it might be time to consider an upgrade. Monitor your hearing and device with an audiologist to ensure it’s still working for you. They will also be able to recommend any new models that come out that might suit you.

Newer hearing aids also have several advanced features. These help to enhance and even personalize your hearing experience. Certain modern hearing aids are able to reduce background automatically, sync with electronic devices, and amplify their speakers, and they can be programmed using your smartphone. If any of these features, would suit your lifestyle, you could speak to your audiologist about a new custom-fit hearing aid.

How an audiologist can help

Audiologists are highly-trained professionals and are experienced in all types of hearing aids. They work with people of all ages who are affected by hearing loss and can recommend the appropriate solution according to each individual case. An audiologist will also provide support along the way to help their clients adjust to using a hearing aid. This includes maintenance and care instructions, tips for getting used to your hearing aid, and counseling services.

At Affordable Audiology, our mission is to ensure our clients a better way of life. Our friendly team of experts is always available to provide help and advice about hearing loss and all types of hearing aids. We understand that every patient is different and offer a tailored service to ensure you’re happy with your hearing aids. If you would like to learn more about Affordable Audiology & Hearing Service, contact us at (920) 267-5220.