Being given hearing aids by an audiologist is a big deal, but a big part of your hearing aid use is the hearing aid repairs and maintenance that you need to be aware of to ensure that you can maintain your hearing for longer. You should be able to count on your hearing, and for that, you need working hearing aids that aren't on the cusp of falling apart.

It's rare that hearing aid batteries will malfunction, but it does happen, and it can help you to know how to fix those issues as they arise. With the right care, you can prolong the life of your hearing aids. Below, you'll find some of the most helpful general maintenance tips so that you can keep caring for your hearing aids properly.

Keep them out of the reach of moisture

Wet surfaces and small circuitry systems do not mix. Your hearing aids are built using very sophisticated technology, and humidity can cause a lot of damage. Remembering to take them off when you get into the shower and going swimming can make the difference between hearing aid that works and a broken one

Clear them of debris

Ears are supposed to have wax in them. It keeps them free from infection, and it ensures your ears stay healthy. However, a build-up of wax will block your hearing aids, and taking them out to give them a clean every day is essential. Using a soft cotton swab can help you to remove all earwax that is blocking the hearing aid gently

Handle them carefully

Hearing aids are fragile – there's no doubt about that. They should be held securely to avoid dropping them, and when you change the batteries, always put them down on a soft surface so that they don't get scratched

Cleaning and maintenance

You can take care of your hearing aids at home, but you should still bring them to the audiologist if you feel they need proper cleaning. Sometimes, an audiologist can spot a hairline crack in the receiver tube that you may not have noticed.

Hearing aid advancement

With all the extra features and technology with hearing aids, it's essential that you maintain them to the highest standard. The most important part of the hearing aid is arguably the battery: without one, your hearing aid is not going to work. The thing is, hearing aid batteries can be unpredictable at times because you can't guess how long you'll get from it before you need to replace it.

Usually, three to 10 days is average for a hearing aid battery, but for that to happen, you need to do everything that you can to maximize your battery life. These tips can help:

  • Take out the battery every day for a few minutes. It needs to sit in an open place to "breathe" away from the casing and circuitry.
  • Before you change your batteries, wash your hands and ensure no dust or dirt on them could get into it.
  • When you remove your hearing aids, open the battery door so that any buildup of moisture can escape.
  • Dehumidifiers can be used to help to bring the moisture out of your hearing aid and battery. This increases the efficiency of the battery and maintains the internal structure for longer.
  • If you are taking a break from using hearing aids, completely removing the battery can help to prevent any trapped moisture damage.
  • Batteries for your hearing aid do have an expiration date, and you can discuss this with your audiologist. They do drain over time, and you need to be aware of how much that happens so you can be prepared and won't be left without the ability to hear.
  • Always keep the batteries for your hearing aid stored in a cool, dry place. This can ensure that the right temperature remains around the battery when it's not in the hearing aid, and stop it from draining too quickly when you do use it.

Contact us today

Your hearing aids need to be looked after if you hope to have a battery that lasts and a hearing aid set that doesn't need to be regularly repaired. Any questions that you have about the maintenance of your hearing aids need to be asked at your appointment with your audiologist, and when you work closely with Affordable Audiology & Hearing Service, you get a hearing help that counts. Call us today on (920) 267-5220, and we can help.